Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Don't eat the chicken in india. Just don't do it.

Here's a rundown of the worst 2 days of my 24 years of life...
  • Sunday night - Went to the office for about 6 hours (I know, this may already be cause for the worst day ever)... When I got back to the hotel I decided I would order some butter chicken since this would be my last night in the hotel (I didn't mention that my apartment is now move-in ready so I can move in any time). Anyways, I decided I would do it up big by ordering some non-veg!
  • 5 minutes after eating the butter chicken: Death. Death by cause of chicken. Let's just say there was no longer any chicken to be found in my stomach... I still feel bad about what the housekeepers had to do to clean... anyways... I got very sick. So sick that I couldn't keep down food or water... Constant sickness for several hours... When I realized that I wouldn't even be able to sleep through the night I asked the hotel staff to take me to the hospital... and oh did they take me to a hospital...
  • Hospital numero uno: I don't think you can call it a hospital... maybe you could call it a basement, or a dorm room. It was small, dirty, weird... I was feeling uncomfortable from the get go. I had to speak to a translator to tell the doctor what was happening since he didn't speak any english. He felt around my stomach, turned me over, and gave me 2 shots in the couch cushion (by couch cushion, I mean butt). He then gave me some medicine and sent me on my merry way... This whole process took about 10 minutes... 10 minutes? Seems a bit fast right? Righhhht...
  • Back to the hotel: So I'm back at the hotel, it's probably 3 in the morning... Almost immediately when I get back I start vomiting again... not good. This continues throughout the night, but somehow I manage to get a couple hours of sleep. 
  • Monday morning: Same deal: Eat, drink, everything comes right back up... At this point I'm so dehydrated that I can barely function. Time to go to a real hospital now... maybe one that has those beeping monitors and has more than 1 room.
  • Monday afternoon: I arrive at the best hospital in Gurgaon. By arrive I mean, stumble through the emergency room door and let the nurses drag me to a bed. Before they start asking questions I'm relieved to see, right above me, a beeping monitor... and nurses, they have nurses too! I explained to the doctor what happened, all about the first hospital and so on. They get me on a steady flow of fluids and antibiotics. After about 3 hours they decide to admit me since I'm still feeling like garbage...
  • Tuesday morning: I wake up and realize that I'm feeling much better. I have saliva in my mouth and I feel like I can move around pretty well... I realize, however, that I haven't been given any food or water since I arrived at the hospital (although I've had fluids pumped through me continuously). I ask for fruit juice, but no fruit juice comes... I ask again for fruit juice... still no delicious fruit juice. Eventually something does come... it's what katrina would call, "red drink", haha. Basically it was like cool aid except it had medicine in it and didn't taste like cool aid at all. It tasted more like salt water with a hint of cherry. Yuck.
  • Tuesday afternoon: I'm feeling much better. The give me some semi-solid foods as well as some pasta and garlic bread (maybe the best food I've had since I've been here!) and I'm able to keep everything down. I'm ready to go home and I think the nurses are tired of me asking if I can go home... About 8 hours later... that's 8 hours of drinking 'red drink' and staring at the cealing... they let me go home.
  • I'm in the hotel right now and it's been about 12 hours since I've been discharged and I feel really good. I'm actually hungry for food which is really good. It will still take a couple of days to fully recover from the hit my stomach took as well as the hit my body took from extreme dehydration. So I'll be watching lord of the rings and eating ice-cream for 2 days :)
I know this was a long post, but it was horrible. It wasn't even that I was sick. It was that I was sick and I couldn't talk to my wife, and since I didn't have a cell phone, nobody knew where I was... It was just a bad situation... for me and for everyone that was trying to find out which hospital I was at.

Anyways... I left out the gross details that nobody needs to know. But this was one of the worst experiences of my life. Word of advice for everyone: Don't eat the chicken in India. Just don't do it.


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