Sunday, May 8, 2011

Trip to Old Delhi

I went to Old Delhi yesterday with Christian and Jean-Luc (2 french canadian guys that I work with). It was simply amazing. We didn't really 'do' anything... we just walked around and tried to take everything in. The sounds, the smells, the people... everything was like it was from a different world (trying to be dramatic, but whatever). It was pretty awesome to say the least. Here are some photos of the day!

I thought this was Ghandi at first... but it's not. I can't remember for the life of me who it is...

 Man washing his feet inside the mosque:

 This was my bag after it was knifed. Someone tried to steal my stuff at some point during our walk... Nothing was taken... probably b/c I was only carrying bug spray and sun screen.
 This was outside of the metro station. I think this is a temple.

 Now I know why there are blackouts in Dehli...

 Goats eating... not sure what though...
 Boys outside the mosque. These guys kept wanting pictures of us. Really nice kids.
 Me and the guys.
 Inside the mosque... not my best life decision considering that bin laden was killed just last week. I said I was Canadian... We originally went in with shorts but we were told we couldn't go in... hence the stylish skirts.

 Boys in the mosque washing their feet
 These people loved Christian. They kept asking him to take their picture so they could see themselves on the screen of the camera.

 Crazy, crazy streets of Delhi.
 Chickens sold on the street
 Goat on the street

 Rickshaw ride!
 Rickshaw cyclist sleeping... in a very strange position.
 Chickens?... vultures?... not sure.

 Ox pulling a huge cart
 Guy getting a rickshaw ride.


  1. These are simply amazing pictures. You are right, it is like a different world.

  2. Bob, do you think maybe it was those sweet little kids that knifed your bag! Miss you and hope you are having a blast!
