Thursday, March 31, 2011

First day/night

It is currently 4am india standard time and I am wide awake and have been for about an hour. I'm counting down the minutes until the breakfast buffet at the optus premeir hotel in delhi opens up.
 Some highlights of my first day (which would have been yesterday).... and not in any order....

1. The food is great so far! I had a masala peneer dish in the hotel with some awesome garlic nan. It was incredible. Although my stomach is feeling a little funny... Could be the spices... could be a parasite... j/k, but seriously.
2. Cricket... don't understand it, but indian's seem to love it. I was at the hotel bar watching the semi finals of the world cup cricket match.... Pakistan vs. India... I know, riveting, haha. It was fun though. One of the waiters was giving me a play by play of how the game is played and the rules and so on. I still felt very out of place thought. When everyone would start celebrating during a part of the match, I would look up excitedly not knowing what to look for, giving an awkward smile to the waiters as if to say, 'that was a great play!'.
3. The head bobble thing is true, but I feel like it's more of a head sway...
4. The driving is crazy. At one point while I was being taken to the hotel I noticed there were no lines in the road.... 8 lanes of disorganized traffic emerged... Also, honking is a form of communication on the roads. One for, 'hey it's me, i'm here, just so you know...', 2 for 'get out of my way right now'.

Everything is going great so far. The only bad thing that has happened is my shampoo and conditioner busted in one of my bags. Since my bag was searched in customs I'm convinced someone wanted to try it out and then forgot to screw the lid on all the way.

It is now 6:00 am. I shall now retire to watching grownups on streaming netflix as I wait for McDonalds to open up.